Drunken gunman secures detox aid

A drunken father-to-be, frustrated by several unsuccessful applications to join an alcoholics rehabilitation program run by a hospital in his hometown of Limassol, southern Cyprus, finally gained a place on the course on Saturday after threatening workers in the hospital’s psychiatric clinic at gunpoint. Andreas Savvas, 35, burst into the clinic armed with a shotgun and a belt of cartridges and demanded therapy «here and now,» said police. Savvas told them of his repeated rejection from the program, which he was desperate to join as he was soon to marry his pregnant girlfriend and wanted to kick his addiction to alcohol in preparation for fatherhood. Savvas eventually handed over his gun to police when hospital employees – who contacted a high-ranking hospital official to authorize an emergency admission – told him he had been accepted on the program. He was arrested, given medication and is due at the clinic today to start his treatment.

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