Neck-and-neck in the popularity stakes

After less than two weeks, the two reality shows, «Big Brother 2» and «Bar,» squared off in their respective TV slots when the names of the 14 participants in «Big Brother 2» were released to the public. Until then, their counterparts in «Bar» – equal in number – were getting to know each other within the confines of the bar-restaurant. In keeping with initial trends, future ratings are proving impossible to predict, even though «Big Brother 2» is a day ahead, having started earlier than scheduled on March 2. While many series were hastily brought to a close on both channels in order to facilitate the simultaneous scheduling of the shows, it is encouraging to see that their ratings have not, until now, overtaken the sitcom «The Perfect Match» on Mega. With the field clear on the first Saturday, «Big Brother» grabbed ratings of 18.2 percent (48.4 percent of viewers watching at the time, or of the television market share). But it soon dropped behind «Bar,» which was watched by 19.2 percent of the population, who were drawn by its novelty, to which the tussle between the municipality of Galatsi and the show’s managers did not fail to contribute. The unscheduled withdrawal of one of the contestants also boosted «Bar’s» lead, but it was overturned by «Big Brother» in the following episodes, particularly on Monday, voting day for both shows. The two shows are most popular with women aged 15-44. «Bar» is the favorite by a short head among these age groups, as well as among men of the same age and individuals of average education. Women over 45 showed a preference for «Big Brother» over the first 11 days it was aired, as did people with a lower level of education. Hanky-panky reports prompt probe

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