Cholesterol, dirty banknotes and BSE under the microscope

Greek children are not only by far the most obese youths of Europe, but they also have high levels of cholesterol, according to a recent study, making them susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, as cholesterol is one of the chief factors in the development of arteriosclerosis. Moreover, based on the study – which will be presented at the 20th National Conference of Microbiology / 2nd Panhellenic Conference of Medical Biopathology, which starts today and runs through Saturday – one in four Greek boys (or 25 percent) up to 14 years of age has high levels of cholesterol (over 200mg/dL, which is the average level of cholesterol). For Greek girls in the same age group, the percentage is even higher, at 33 percent. During a news briefing held on Monday in view of the conference, members of the Greek Microbiological Society also focused on another threat to public health: worn banknotes. According to the experts, the uneven surface of old banknotes retain various substances that can attract germs. The doctors made reference to a study that was conducted before the recent withdrawal of the drachma and the introduction of the euro, based on which 65 percent of Greek and foreign banknotes have staphylococcus, 14 percent coliforms, and 80 percent other types of bacillus. Moreover, 10 percent of the banknotes carry bacteria that demonstrate a strong resistance to antibiotics and which are responsible for serious infections found in intensive care units of hospitals. According to the doctors, the newly circulated euro banknotes have temporarily relieved us from these specific forms of bacteria, as the new bills are generally still in good condition. During the conference, scientists will also present a study based on which the protein that is responsible for the development of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in humans, known as the prion, cannot be transmitted by blood transfusion. This finding is of particular interest to patients undergoing treatment and in need of regular transfusions. The conference will also include talks on subjects such as bioterrorism, antibiotics, the resistance of germs against them, and treatments for osteoporosis.

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