Boy, 15, caught for child porn

A 15-year-old boy from Athens is to be charged with possessing computer software containing images of child pornography and distributing it over the Internet, police said on Saturday. Officers searched the boy’s home in the capital on Friday and confiscated a computer hard drive and six CD ROMs – one of which allegedly contained the pornographic material. The raid came after police picked up on the electronic transfer of the illegal images on February 18 and then traced them to the boy’s home. Police did not make the teenager’s name public or give details about the exact location of his home. The 15-year-old admitted to possessing and distributing the images, according to officers, and the evidence against him will now be forwarded to a prosecutor who deals exclusively with cases involving minors. Over the past two years, specialised computer crime officers have enjoyed a string of successes in cracking cases of child porn posted on the web by Greeks.

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