Students without face masks will not be allowed in classroom
Students who do not wear a face mask will not be allowed to enter their classroom, according to information on the joint ministerial decision (JMD) that is currently being drafted by the government’s general secretariat.
The JMD fleshes out all the details about the new measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the new school year and offers legal cover to teachers who will have to implement those rules.
The issue, of course, is how teachers will handle those parents who vehemently reject the use of face coverings for their children.
Some parents in schools in the region of Attica have already submitted a request for the exception of their children from the mask rule. Some of them have even claimed in their request that the use of a face mask is part of an experiment “for biomedical purposes.”
According to the same information, the JMD does not foresee any special leave for vulnerable groups. Those deemed vulnerable will be working from home, by telework or distance learning.