New evaluation scheme for civil servants
A draft law on a new system of evaluation for civil servants was put to public consultation on Wednesday.
The new scheme will see department managers assess the performances of the civil servants who work under them.
The workers will be given marks out of 10 in a number of categories, including their level of dedication, displays of initiative, cooperation with other departments and relations with colleagues and citizens.
If employees score below six in any of these categories, their managers will have to provide a written explanation for their low marks.
Managers will also be evaluated by the people working immediately under them. The latter will have to anonymously fill in a questionnaire about their boss.
With regard to the hiring process, candidates will have to go through an interview and will also be submitted to a psychometric test.
The Supreme Council of Personnel Selection (ASEP) will play a reduced role in the hiring of new civil servants, according to the draft law. It will have representatives on special councils that are responsible for appointing general managers. Unionists will replace ASEP officials on the councils for lower-ranking appointments.