SYRIZA: Cyprus ‘guinea pig for savings haircut’
The main leftist opposition SYRIZA issued a statement on Saturday maintaining that Cyprus had been chosen to be the first guinea pig for a “general haircut to savings.”
Referring to “a theft that is spreading from salaries and pensions to savings,” SYRIZA called on the Greek government to break ranks with its European counterparts and reject a proposal for a haircut on bank deposits, noting that such a move “would open the door to similar developments in Greece and other European countries.”
Greece was chosen three years ago as “the first guinea pig for the implementation of a generalized strategy of austerity in Europe,” SYRIZA said, noting that Cyprus was a guinea pig for the next step — “a generalized haircut on savings.”
In its statement, SYRIZA emphasized its suport for the Cypriot people who are “giving a proud but uneven fight.” “They are not supported neither by their own government nor by the Greek one,” it said. #
On Friday, SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras and the leader of the anti-bailout Independent Greeks Panos Kammenos jointly called on the Governor of the Bank of Greece, Giorgos Provopoulos, to explain why Greece’s central bank refused to provide a crucial 2 billion euros to the Cyprus bailout. Tsipras accused the government of compounding the extortionate tactics of troika officials and called on Greek parties to unite in a show of solidarity for the Cypriot people.