PM promotes free colon cancer screening program during pharmacy visit

PM promotes free colon cancer screening program during pharmacy visit

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis collected one of the free home testing kits for colon cancer screening on Friday, distributed to individuals aged 50-69 as part of the national prevention program “Prolamvano” (I prevent). During his visit to a pharmacy in central Athens, Mitsotakis emphasized the critical importance of early diagnosis in the fight against cancer.

“It is vital for us to launch a major program of preventive testing,” he said. “This initiative began with the ‘Fofi Gennimata’ program for breast cancer detection, which has been extremely successful in identifying many women with early symptoms they were unaware of.”

Mitsotakis noted, “In an era where we are focusing heavily on prevention, continuing this program for other diseases is crucial. The test for detecting potential symptoms of colon cancer is now provided free of charge to all citizens aged 50 to 69. It is a very simple test, and I urge those in this age group to pay attention. Do not ignore it, as prevention saves lives.”

The prime minister clarified that a positive test result does not necessarily mean someone has cancer; rather, it indicates the need for further testing to rule out that possibility. “I want to stress that the entire process is free and fully covered in the event of a positive test,” he added.

Mitsotakis also received information from the pharmacist on how to take the test and the public’s response to the program, which has been overwhelmingly positive. He encouraged people to overcome any fears they may have, emphasizing that it is a straightforward test and that early diagnosis of colon cancer can significantly increase the chances of a full recovery.

“For me, this exemplifies the need for a government that prioritizes citizen care, and the best way we can provide that care is through investments in prevention. When we think about healthcare, we often focus solely on hospitals. While we are indeed working hard to improve the quality of services in our hospitals, the real challenge lies in preventing the need for hospitalization in the first place,” he said.

The colon cancer prevention program targets approximately 3.8 million men and women aged 50 to 69 years and includes a free home testing kit. If the result is positive, participants will receive a complimentary visit to a gastroenterologist for a clinical examination, diagnostic colonoscopy, and biopsy. To date, prescriptions for the free test have been issued to 1,461,560 recipients. [AMNA]

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