Fear German ruling may spark wave of returns

Fear German ruling may spark wave of returns

Greek officials are alarmed by a recent German court ruling that could lead to the deportation of more migrants back to Greece.

The court in the German state of Hesse ruled in favor of deporting a Somali migrant to Greece, stating that young, healthy men should be able to secure a minimum standard of living through work.

Greek authorities are worried the decision could signal a shift in Germany’s migration policy and lead to an increase in deportations to Greece, a primary entry point for many migrants into the European Union.

Until recently, German courts blocked such deportations, citing Greece’s challenging economic conditions.

Now, the court has determined that conditions in Greece have improved enough to support returning migrants. Greek officials fear this could overwhelm already strained resources in the country’s migration system.

“If the decision becomes final, it is possible that the way will be opened for the return of a significant number of migrants from Germany back to Greece,” an official at the Ministry of Citizen Protection told Kathimerini.

Greece is among 17 EU member-states that have signed a non-paper to the European Commission asking for the acceleration of the deportation procedures of migrants whose asylum applications are irrevocably rejected.

The document was revealed in a report published on Tuesday by the Euronews network.

According to the letter, people who do not have the right to stay must face the consequences. It stated that a new legal basis must be created to define their obligations and duties. 

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