Family of slain journalist seeks reversal of ‘not-guilty’ verdict against suspected assassins

Family of slain journalist seeks reversal of ‘not-guilty’ verdict against suspected assassins

The family of Giorgos Karaivaz, the investigative journalist who was gunned down in an execution-style attack in April 2021 outside his Athens home, has taken recourse to the Supreme Court to challenge the acquittal of two brothers of the crime.

Legal representatives of the family met with Supreme Court prosecutor Giorgia Adeilini on Tuesday and filed a motion for the reversal, in which they argue that the first instance court failed to properly assess the evidence and witness testimony brought before it and to interpret and apply the legislation relevant to the case.

A mixed jury court in July ruled that there was insufficient evidence to convict the brothers, aged 49 and 41, of carrying out what is believed to have been a contract killing. The acquittal was decided by significant majorities of 5-2 and 6-1.

The family’s decision to turn to Greece’s highest criminal court came after another motion for a reversal was rejected at the appeals level.

In comments to the press after meeting with Adeilini, the family’s representatives said that the Supreme Court prosecutor confirmed that she has already ordered an investigation into the original court ruling.

An experienced reporter, Karaivaz was known for exposing organized networks and corruption in the Greek police force. He was also a key witness in a 2015-2017 National Intelligence Service (EYP) investigation into corrupt police and sex/gambling rackets and was known to have contacts in the so-called Greek Mafia.

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