Doctors to boycott electronic prescription over forced service bill

Doctors to boycott electronic prescription over forced service bill

The Panhellenic Medical Association (PIS) announced on Thursday that doctors will boycott the electronic prescription system from Friday through Monday, with exceptions made only for medical emergencies and disabled individuals.

The boycott is in response to a government bill concerning psychiatric care, which includes a provision mandating compulsory service for doctors in rural hospitals and health centers experiencing staff shortages. Doctors who refuse to comply will face severe penalties, including restrictions on their use of the online prescription system.

PIS President Athanasios Exadaktylos stated that doctors are calling for the withdrawal of this provision and are seeking dialogue with the Ministry of Health. Exadaktylos noted that while a similar issue was resolved through cooperation last year, this year Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis is attempting to address it through threats.

He argued that the bill will exacerbate the shortage of staff in the public health system, highlighting that there are currently over 6,000 vacant positions. Exadaktylos acknowledged that this is a difficult situation and appealed for citizens’ understanding.

He also mentioned that the presidents of the medical associations are expected to meet in Athens on Monday to decide on their next course of action.

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