Jeweler and realtor sentenced for fatal beating of gay activist Zak Kostopoulos

Jeweler and realtor sentenced for fatal beating of gay activist Zak Kostopoulos

The Mixed Jury Court of Appeal of Athens has unanimously sentenced a jeweler to five years and a realtor to six years in prison for the fatal beating of 33-year-old gay rights activist Zak Kostopoulos in September 2018 in downtown Athens.

According to the court’s decision, the 64-year-old realtor will serve time in prison, while the 81-year-old jeweler will be placed under house arrest due to his age.

Both defendants were found unanimously guilty of causing fatal bodily harm. The court also unanimously recognized the mitigating factor of a law-abiding lifestyle for both men. Additionally, the jeweler received further mitigation due to the inappropriate behavior of the victim, who had been trapped in his store.

Based on these mitigating factors, the court imposed the maximum sentences allowed.

At the conclusion of the trial, there were outbursts in the courtroom. Several attendees shouted “murderers” and other slogans at the convicted men. Police promptly escorted the two convicts and their relatives out through a special detainee entrance.

Amid the commotion, Kostopoulos’ mother and brother remained seated, embracing each other. Amid applause from supporters, Kostopoulos’ mother tearfully repeated, “They are guilty, my Zacharias.” [AMNA]

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