Drone operator arrested for allegedly causing East Attica wildfire

Drone operator arrested for allegedly causing East Attica wildfire

Fire service officials have arrested a 35-year-old man accused of operating the drone that likely caused the wildfire in the Glyka Nera area of East Attica on Wednesday.

According to a statement from the fire service, the man received an administrative fine of 4,675 euros and will appear before an Athens prosecutor on Thursday.

Isidoros Madis, the mayor of Paiania, of which Glyka Nera is a part, told Kathimerini that, according to an eyewitness, the fire was likely caused by a drone that crashed into the foothills of Mount Ymittos.

Earlier, authorities had detained the man along with three other individuals who were taken to the Paiania police station. According to reports, all four were employees of a private company.

Strong ground and aerial forces were immediately deployed to the area and the fire was contained in a relatively short time.

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