Man gunned down in Athens suburb of Psychiko

Man gunned down in Athens suburb of Psychiko

Police in the Greek capital were out in force on Tuesday morning looking for a shooter who gunned down a man, identified as a 54-year-old civil engineer named Panagiotis Stathis, in the northern Athens of Psychiko in an execution-style assault.

According to preliminary reports, the man was gunned down in his car, on the corner of Kritis and Eikostis Pemptis Martiou streets.

The shooter was on a motorcycle and was able to make a speedy getaway after driving up to the car and shooting the victims at least eight times. 

Police have recovered at least 15 shell casings from the crime scene, while an audio recording from the time of the shooting indicated that the perpetrator shot a volley of bullets, paused for a few seconds, and then delivered the final shot.

Authorities were reportedly alerted to the incident at around 8.30 a.m. by the victim’s business partner in a technical firm. The partner is also the owner of the BMW the victim was driving.

In the meantime, police revealed that the victim had been physically assaulted in 2021 on the island of Mykonos and had reported the incident to the authorities, but no suspects had emerged from the ensuing investigation.

The victim reportedly worked extensively in Mykonos and other parts of the country as a land surveyor and technical consultant for the municipal authority and construction licensing service. 

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