349 women use panic button in first two months of its operation

349 women use panic button in first two months of its operation

Of the 2,124 women who installed a panic button on their phones by May 31, 349 (16.5%) used it to alert police that they were in danger, Social Cohesion and Family Minister Sofia Zacharaki has said.

The digital application for cellphones to support women facing violence at home was introduced on March 23 and is available from 44 counseling centers throughout the country.

The free app is downloaded on a smartphone and is activated service by pressing a button which sends a text message to police. The app contains the needed information to locate the user.

In interview with private broadcaster SKAI, Zacharaki said her ministry “guarantees shelter to female victims of domestic violence who have been accommodated in hostels by paying the rent and operating costs of a house for two years.”

She also added that the ministry also assists them in finding a job and securing their financial independence.

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