Five arrested for violent attack on Mount Parnitha volunteers

Five arrested for violent attack on Mount Parnitha volunteers

Police arrested five men on Thursday morning in connection with last month’s violent attack on two volunteers on Mount Parnitha, north of Athens.

The men, aged 22 and 23, face charges that include attempted murder and forming a gang.

On May 24, four volunteers with a grassroots group were camped out on Mount Parnitha during a cleanup campaign. Around 1.30 a.m., two cars with seven individuals arrived and questioned their presence. After initially leaving, the assailants returned, attacking the volunteers with a sharp object and fists.

Two of the volunteers were seriously injured and had to be hospitalized.

Police tracked the suspects’ cars through extensive video footage from nearby shops. 

According to reports, the suspects claimed they had bought drugs from the volunteers and attacked them after discovering they had been given a smaller amount.

The suspects are expected to appear before a prosecutor.

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