Arrest warrant issued for lawyer accused of beating wife

Arrest warrant issued for lawyer accused of beating wife

An arrest warrant has been issued for a criminal lawyer accused of brutally beating his wife, following his breach of restraining orders.

Judicial authorities replaced the restraining order with an arrest warrant after Apostolos Lytras, 52, allegedly contacted the victim, Sofia Polyzogopoulou, 37, also a lawyer, via message and added her to a group chat to persuade her to relinquish a sum of money at their home.

On Tuesday, Lytras’ former wife and their eldest daughter visited the home where Polyzogopoulou was recovering from the assault. Polyzogopoulou activated a panic button upon their arrival and subsequently filed a complaint against the former wife for disturbing domestic peace and against Lytras for violating the court order.

These events occurred within 48 hours of the court issuing a restraining order and deciding on Lytras’ release pending trial. Lytras, who was released after admitting to domestic abuse in his testimony on Monday, has not been located by the police following the latest arrest warrant.

Greece’s Supreme Court has launched a probe into the court’s decision to release Lytras and has called for a swift investigation into the case.

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