Half of hospital directors fail employment exams

Public health service officials with administrative posts fall short in new appraisal system

Half of hospital directors fail employment exams

One in two people who currently hold an administrative post in the public health services did not pass the tests for re-employment in the same or a similar position through the new appraisal system that came into effect in November 2023. 

The examinations, which are now a necessary condition for recruitment to the posts of directors and deputy directors of the Ministry of Health and Public Hospitals, were held through the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) at the end of March.

Rather than knowledge-based, the exams are assessment tests in accordance with international evaluation standards for positions of responsibility.

A total of 1,277 people applied for a total of 173 positions in the public health sector, of which 21 were for director and deputy director in the Health Regions and the rest for the Administration of Public Hospitals.

It is estimated that by the end of July, the procedure for the recruitment of new Health Region directors will be completed and the procedure for the selection and appointment of hospital directors will follow immediately afterward.

Many of those already serving in these posts reapplied but only 55% managed to pass the tests. 

Commenting on the pass rate, government sources pointed out that it proves that the new system ensures meritocracy as “it is not shown either that all the incumbents were good or that all had no ability.”

At the same time, it also proves, they added, that the same people will not “again be placed in these key positions of responsibility.”

What is clear is that half of the people who have been in these positions for years do not meet international selection standards and lack basic management tools.

According to the new system of selection of Public Body Administrators (over 600 positions of responsibility across the public sector) that was passed in November 2023 and described by the then minister of interior, Niki Kerameus, as a “Senior Staff Selection Committee,” the heads of public bodies are not appointed by the relevant minister as was the case before, which sometimes led to unlikely appointments.

Tellingly, the wrong people have been found in positions of hospital administrators in the past, such as, for example, a hairdresser and a tire repair business owner. 

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