Court jails former official at Turkish consulate for spying

Court jails former official at Turkish consulate for spying

The Dodecanese appeals court has sentenced a man who worked for a Turkish consulate to five years in prison on spying charges, legal sources said on Friday.

The man, a Greek national employed with the Turkish consulate on the island of Rhodes, was arrested in 2020.

He had denied any wrongdoing and Turkey’s foreign ministry had condemned the arrest, saying it violated the then consular official’s rights.

A second Greek national, who worked as a cook on a passenger ship operating the Rhodes–Kastellorizo line, and who was arrested at the same time, has also been sentenced to three years in prison. He had also denied any wrongdoing.

Kastelorizo is a small Greek island just off the Turkish coast.

The two had been under surveillance for months before their arrest and they were accused of photographing the movements of Greek armed forces in the Aegean Sea. [Reuters]

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