Blue Horizon’s captain claims victim ‘slipped and fell’

Blue Horizon’s captain claims victim ‘slipped and fell’

According to a voice recording that was published by Greek broadcaster ANT1 on Monday, the captain of the Blue Horizon ferry claimed the 36-year-old victim “Slipped and fell.” The captain admitted to seeing the incident on camera, which clearly shows the victim did not slip, but was pushed by the crew members.

The case relates to the death of a tardy passenger whom a crew member pushed into the sea as he tried to board the departing vessel in Greece’s main port of Piraeus. The man drowned.

“He held on to the ramp, he did not step on it. He just put one foot to get on, but he slipped because the ramp was already lifted up,” claimed the captain.

“We are in trouble,” was the last sentence on the voice recording.

Early on Monday morning, after the defendants’ testimonies to the investigative magistrate, the prosecutor decided on pre-trial detention for two of the four crew members, including the captain.

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