Crackdown on spread of chairs and tables in public spaces

Crackdown on spread of chairs and tables in public spaces

Seeking to send a message to proprietors encroaching on public space with illegally placed chairs and tables, the Municipality of Athens has already singled out 10 catering establishments that have repeatedly failed to comply with the rules and is initiating procedures for their temporary closure for a period of 1-5 days, implementing recently passed relevant legislation.

Eight of the 10 businesses are located in the Kolonaki district, one is located on the Apostolou Pavlou pedestrian street and the other in Koukaki.

According to sources in the municipality, more establishments expanding without a permit will be targeted.

“Closing a restaurant for a few days means that the business owner can lose a lot of money. We believe this measure will put more pressure on owners to abide by the law,” said Vasilios Koromantzos, deputy mayor for the Municipal Police and public spaces. 

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