Defense Minister announces three days of military mourning after F-4 crash

Defense Minister announces three days of military mourning after F-4 crash

National Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos announced a three-day period of mourning in the country’s armed forces on Monday.

The minister announced it after the crash of one of the Hellenic Air Force’s F-4 Phantom II jets, that crashed into the sea 25 miles south of the Andravida airport on Monday morning. The two-seater fighter jet of the 338 Squadron of the 117 Combat Wing was carrying out a training flight when it crashed.

The aircraft’s 29-year-old Flying Officer co-pilot was found dead during a search operation, it was reported late on Monday afternoon.

The search continues for the plane’s 31-year-old Flight Lieutenant pilot.

“While the search for the Flight Lieutenant continues, we express our sadness and grief at the loss of the co-pilot after the fighter jet crashed during a training activity in Andravida. Our thoughts are with the family of the Flying Officer, to whom we express our sympathy and sincere condolences,” Panagiotopoulos noted. [AMNA]

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