Elections to take place from April on

Government sources stress prime minister’s commitment to see out four-year term in office

Elections to take place from April on

Government sources confirmed on Wednesday that national elections will take place any time from April onwards, following an extended meeting that took place at the official Maximos Mansion residence of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to hammer out a plan of action for the next three months.

“The prime minister remains steadfast on his commitment that elections will be held at the end of his four-year term. He will decide what the appropriate date is after April,” a government source said.

Elections, which are otherwise scheduled for June, will be fought under the simple proportional representation system, which means that no one party is likely to win an overall majority. A second ballot will almost inevitably follow, this time under a new law passed by ruling New Democracy, which gives the top party a large number of bonus seats in Parliament.

The exact date may seemingly not matter all that much – as many wonder what the difference is between early April and the end of the month – though analysts note that the devil is in the details. More specifically, the Easter holidays, the weather and the political climate are all factors that could have a decisive influence and must be taken into account.

With this in mind, April 9 recently emerged as a contender, as it is the week before Easter and voters will be able to combine it with a stay in their villages and hometowns during Holy Week. However, to some analysts, this argument does not hold water as working people may prefer to stay home for Easter rather than head for the provinces which would essentially entail two trips in one week.

Among other dates mooted, April 2 is a week before Easter and subsequently most people will leave after for their constituencies to celebrate Easter before the second election. One government source said that since the first polls are the most crucial, it would be wiser for them to take place after the Easter festivities, suggesting the end of April as the ideal date.

As for the scenarios for elections on March 26 or after May, they are not seen as likely as the first is deemed too early, and the latter too late.

In any case, the prime minister is expected to make his final decisions in March, which is the most likely month for the dissolution of the Greek Parliament.

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