Old war submarine tells it story

Old war submarine tells it story

The War Museum of Halkida will in the coming days exhibit a part of the historic submarine Glaukos, one of the two that traveled to the coast of Cyprus in 1974 while Turkish invasion on the shores of Kyrenia was under way, but were recalled twice. ‘We felt betrayed when they told us to go back,’ Charalambos Giakouvakis told Kathimerini about the mission to Cyprus in 1974. Giakouvakis was 21 at the time and had been stationed in 1972 as a radio operator aboard the Glaukos. In 2022 he published the book ‘Glaukus, One Name, Two Stories.’ Built at the HDW shipyards in Kiel, Germany, it was launched in September 1970, and sailed to Salamis Naval Station in November 1971. At the time, it was one of the most modern submarines in the world.

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