Shipping Report

TANKERS Aframax market is on the right path, especially in the Med. with a number of cargoes left to be fixed. Lukoil, Tamoil, Erg, Total and others there are still looking for vessels with loading dates of March 13-15. Rates are expected to move easily to W/S 115-120. – Cont. is busier with the 80,000 tons round voyages at W/S 102.5 except for Baltic loadings. Lukoil for 90,000 tons of cargo has fixed M/T «Yannis M,» loading March 12 discharging UKC at W/S 200. – Caribs has adequate cargoes and vessels as well. The number of fixtures is close to 10, all at W/S 102.5 for the 70,000 tons cargo liftings. – Suezmax out of W. Africa at W/S 67.5 with destination USAC. – In the Med., Repsol has fixed M/T «Alphatank» for 80,000 tons of cargo loading March 4 Libya discharging Spain at W/S 100. – In the Continent, CSSA for 80,000 tons of cargo loading beg. March UK discharging UKC has fixed M/T «Evita» at W/S 102.5. – In Caribs Exxon has fixed M/T «Seacharm» for 70,000 tons of cargo loading March 2 East Coast Mexico discharging US Gulf at W/S 100. DRY CARGO Freight rates on capers continue upward with interest focused on T/C periods. Panocean has fixed M/V «Bulk Asia» 169,770 dwt, built 2001, for 12 months at USD 14,250 daily and was relet for a front haul via S. Africa to China at USD 13,500 daily, giving ample time to charterers for profit. – Panamaxes in the Atlantic remain active with USD 1,500 daily differential in comparison to those in Far East. – Handymaxes out of the US Gulf are still looking good, and sugar rates from Cuba continue to climb upward with several vessels fixed this week in 25-30,000 ton sizes. – On Capers, Cobelfret has fixed M/V «Shibumi» 166,058 dwt, built 1984, delivery China beg. March for 4-6 months period at USD 11,000 daily. – On Panamax in Far East, PCL has fixed M/V «Audax» 75,220 dwt, built 2001, delivery March 6-10 Japan trip via Australia redelivery UKC at USD 6,250 daily. – In the Atlantic, Cargill has fixed M/V «Hispania Graeca» 74,133 dwt, built 2001, delivery Spain beg. March trip via USAC redelivery UKC/Med. at USD 8,200 daily.

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