Mediterranean puts faith in religious tourism plans

Developing religious tourism programs has apparently become a priority under Tourism Minister Fanni Palli-Petralia, who says such programs can help nurture the country’s top industry. The ministry has budgeted 3.1 million euros for two major projects which will help set up and enhance religious tourism throughout the year. Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis has said the country must target tourism 12 months out of the year. Already this month the first interstate plan for the development of religious tourism, totaling 1.4 million euros, was approved, in the context of the European Union’s Interreg III B program to be implemented by Greece, Italy, Malta and Cyprus. The body responsible for the program in this country is the Greek National Tourism Organization, in association with the Church of Greece. The most important points of the four-country project include the drafting of a plan for the creation of a Mediterranean network of religious tourism, the development and application of common policies for the promotion of religious tourism in the Mediterranean, the training of young people for religious tourism, international meetings of travel agents, the creation of an Internet site and the production of print and electronic material. Particular emphasis will be given to meetings with travel agents about the creation of holiday package-programs that will combine the development of religious tourism with other peculiarities of every destination (e.g. gastronomy, wine routes, etc). Already, in the context of the program for the improvement of competitiveness, the cultural and religious tourism project «In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle» is being promoted. St Paul’s route This project will upgrade and promote all the locations where Saint Paul passed through and taught at while in Greece. The following areas have been initially selected: Samothraki, Kavala, Philippi, Apollonia, Thessaloniki’s Ancient Market, Veria, the Roman Forum and Ancient Pydna in Athens, Faliron, the Acropolis, the Ancient Port of Kechries and Corinth. More stops could be added. The first stages of this program have been completed. The project is expected to cost up to 2 million euros. The route of the apostle has inspired spiritual values and timeless monuments throughout the country. These monuments help promote the areas in which they are located. Through planning, this promotion could reach all of the Eastern Orthodox world as well as the entire Christian world. The ministry has also helps direct a school competition by the Church of Greece on «Apostle Paul, the Apostle of Europe, the Apostle of Greece.» In the context of this competition a three-day cruise will be made to the islands of Kythera, Paros and Tinos, inviting everyone who has cooperated and will assist in the successful organization and completion of the

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