Banks have frozen loans of €28.4 bln
Banks and servicers are in a race against time to reach settlement agreements over nonperforming loans and suspended loan tranches in a bid to stem the impact of the pandemic crisis, according to Finance Ministry data. The data show that the loans on ice amounted to 28.4 billion euros at end-2020, while the debts on which a settlement deal had been reached with lenders and NPL management companies added up to €21.2 billion.
From March to December 2020, repayments of a total of 405,473 loans were suspended for up to nine months, a measure that ends next month.
From July 2019 to December 2020, settlement deals for 396,621 loans (mortgage, consumer and corporate) were reached with banks and servicers.
In the context of the Gefyra program for the protection of borrowers’ main residences, the state subsidized the repayment tranches of 110,037 loans of 69,443 borrowers up to end-January, disbursing €47.9 million. Applications submitted up to the end-October deadline numbered 160,477, with 74,420 already approved by end-December.