More than half new jobs are part-time
The positive course of job creation in the first nine months of the year is overshadowed by the rampant growth of part-time or short-term positions and the reduction of full-time openings.
Figures from the Labor Ministry’s Ergani database showed on Friday that this has been the best first nine months of the year since 2001 with such a high number of surplus jobs, which outnumbered departures by 288,369. There were 2,057,917 hiring announcements and 1,769,548 departures.
The gap between part- and full-time employment continued to increase in the same period. Part-time hirings accounted to 53.02 percent of all hirings in the January-September period, up from 48.58 percent four years earlier.
In September alone Ergani recorded a surplus of 6,556 jobs, with 271,872 hirings and 265,316 departures, while flexible forms of labor accounted for 59.11 percent of hirings. However, compared to September 2017, 10,572 fewer jobs were created last month. Over the year to end-September, though, there were 22,498 more jobs created than a year earlier.