Public revenue authority plans real time data delivery
The tax administration is planning some changes in the way it inspects businesses. According to sources, the Independent Authority for Public Revenue wants to introduce online systems also used in other European Union countries which transmit transaction data to the tax authorities at the moment each transaction is made.
The system will have specific standards and will be impossible to tamper with. It will operate on a similar basis to card terminals.
According to the latest available figures, the tax evasion rate among Greek businesses could be as high as 60 percent. Of course tax dodging cannot be totally eradicated through new online systems, as authorities must also tackle the problem of the non-issuing of receipts, which is associated with the tax-free ceiling and freelance professionals.
Another problem the tax administration has to deal with concerns the processing of data, due to the major shortage of staff. To resolve the problem the IAPR is preparing to hire some 1,800 new employees over the first quarter of 2019, covering various posts in the tax inspection mechanism.