First Qatari LNG load is on its way
The gas terminal station at Revythoussa, off the Attica coast, is set to receive the first quantities of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Qatar on Saturday.
The 140,000-cubic meter load, which Mytilineos has secured through an agreement with Qatargas, opens the way for the entry into the Greek market of LNG from another source besides Algeria – and the biggest LNG producer in the world at that. This is expected to increase competition among suppliers to the benefit of consumers and the Greek economy in general.
The Qatargas LNG carrier may reach Revythoussa island on Saturday but it will take five to six days to unload. This will be conducted in two parts: The existing capacity of the island’s installations is insufficient to accommodate the Qatari loads, which is why Greece has not had access to LNG from the Arab emirate to date.
Mytilineos realized the prospects that upgrading Revythoussa with a third tank would offer, and managed to convince Qatar to deliver the first load and conduct the unloading in a two-part process as part of an agreement for future deliveries after the completion of the upgrading works – this has been scheduled by gas grid operator DESFA for September, unless there is another delay.