Piraeus dockworkers block shipment of alleged ammunition to Israel

Piraeus dockworkers block shipment of alleged ammunition to Israel

Dockworkers at Piraeus Port prevented a container allegedly carrying ammunition destined for Israel from being loaded onto a cargo ship on Thursday night. 

Protesters from various labor unions and local community groups chanted slogans and displayed a banner declaring their solidarity with Palestine and opposition to NATO.

The cargo reportedly arrived in Greece from North Macedonia and was headed for the Israeli port of Haifa. Its contents have not been independently verified.

Markos Bekris, head of the Piraeus Port Dock Containers Workers Union (ENEDEP) and the Piraeus Labor Center, said that the decision to halt the shipment of military material contributing to “the genocide of the Palestinian people” was reached at their general assembly the previous day.

“We will not allow war material to be transported from the port of Piraeus,” Bekris said, addressing the dockworkers on the night shift.

“It’s time to loudly declare that we will not permit the port of Piraeus to become a war base. We demand an immediate end to our country’s involvement in wars. We must disengage from imperialist schemes and rivalries that make our country and the port of Piraeus targets for retaliation.”

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