Reimagining tourism: Eco-villages for a sustainable future

Reimagining tourism: Eco-villages for a sustainable future

“[With its] unique island geography, Greece serves as an ideal model for implementing eco-village initiatives,” James Ehrlich, director of compassionate sustainability at Stanford University, said during a discussion on sustainable tourism at Kathimerini’s “Reimagine Tourism in Greece” conference on Wednesday. 

In a conversation moderated by Kathimerini journalist Iliana Magra, Ehrlich and Paloma Zapata, CEO of Sustainable Travel International, explored the concept of eco-villages as a sustainable tourism model. These self-sufficient communities are designed to integrate sustainable living practices with local ecosystems, focusing on renewable energy, waste management and permaculture.

“There’s a wave of people who want to live closer to nature… we saw it after the pandemic,” Ehrlich said, adding that the trend represents a significant shift in traveler preferences. 

Zapata reinforced this idea, saying that “such actions and initiatives will drive the future of tourism.”

Ehrlich also introduced software that analyzes various data, such as biodiversity, waste management and wind patterns, to help create self-sustaining destinations. 

“The key is understanding a location’s dynamics in every season,” he explained, emphasizing the importance of long-term planning.

Zapata added that while 80% of tourists express a desire for sustainable travel, when it comes down to it, they require more resources and incentives to make this a reality. 

She stressed that technology and effective leadership are crucial for reshaping tourism in a way that balances it with environmental sustainability, saying that “if a destination’s appeal diminishes, so will the tourists’ desire to visit.”

Organized by Kathimerini and its partners, the “Reimagine Tourism in Greece” conference is an annual event designed to promote sustainable tourism by bringing together leading thinkers, political and business leaders, and key figures in the hospitality industry.

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