Construction curbs outside zoning areas

Prime minister announces new restrictions on building regulations in a push for order

Construction curbs outside zoning areas

In a significant move to regulate construction and protect Greece’s islands and settlements, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced new restrictions on building outside designated zoning areas. Speaking at the “Reimagine Tourism in Greece” conference, Mitsotakis revealed that a new regulation would soon be submitted to Parliament to abolish the so-called “right of passage” for landlocked plots. This change will prevent plots that gain road access through another property from being considered buildable.

Mitsotakis stressed the need for local urban plans, which are expected to be ready in 2-3 years, to safeguard islands and settlements. “I prefer to push those interested in acquiring a holiday home to do so within a settlement rather than allowing anyone to build on a [0.4-hectare] plot wherever they want,” Mitsotakis stated.

The abolition of the “right of passage” is a measure to curb unplanned construction. This right allowed landlocked plots to gain road access through private agreements, applicable to properties not subdivided after 1985. “Based on the Council of State’s decision, this right, as we know it, will belong to the past,” Mitsotakis said in an interview with Alexis Papachelas, executive editor of Kathimerini.

The rationalization of construction will come with the drafting or modification of local urban plans. The PM said these plans will be ready in 2-3 years. These plans will outline the capacities and peculiarities of each area, where and what can be built. Until then, he said, some horizontal rules will be needed. “It is certain that, guided by the Council of State’s decisions, gradual restrictions will be imposed on out-of-plan construction,” Mitsotakis added, calling the regulation “transitional.”

Mitsotakis also addressed the upcoming hearing at the Council of State regarding the height bonuses of the New Building Regulation. “A very important trial took place a few days ago, and without wanting to interfere with the court’s issues, it is crucial to have a holistic approach to what environmental burden from construction means. It’s not just about height; we must also consider material quality and energy efficiency. This is the logic behind the New Building Regulation,” he said.

Regarding swimming pools on the islands, the prime minister said that decisions should be based on facts. “What part of consumption do they represent? If it’s 20%, let’s discuss limiting them, but if it’s 1%, it doesn’t create a water management problem on the island.”

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