Occupied Cyprus is a base for Russians

Occupied Cyprus is a base for Russians

Russians leverage occupied Cyprus to evade sanctions imposed by the EU and other Western entities in response to the conflict in Ukraine, according to an article in Dutch newspaper Het Parool.

This strategy underscores the ongoing complexities of the geopolitical landscape and the challenges faced by Western nations in enforcing their sanctions.

The report details that Russians are using these areas as a base for various financial transactions, including the sale of rubles. This reportedly aids them in managing funds, potentially laundering money, or converting their currency into others.

Alarmingly, the article mentions individuals claiming to have ties to the extremist group ISIS, suggesting a troubling nexus between financial activities and radical organizations.

This activity underscores a broader issue of sanctions avoidance, where entities exploit semi-recognized or unrecognized states to bypass international laws, complicating the effectiveness of global sanctions against Russia.

The use of locations like occupied Cyprus for such operations illustrates the challenges faced by the international legal system in monitoring financial flows in geopolitically complex regions.

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