Greece ranks first in tourism spending growth

Greece ranks first in tourism spending growth

Greece has climbed one place in European tourists’ preference and now ranks fourth for the 75% of citizens in the Old Continent who wish to travel in the coming months – up 6 percentage points from last year.

Crucially, Greece ranks top in Europe in terms of the increase in incoming tourists’ expenditure over the first half of 2024, according to the European Travel Commission’s (ETC) latest ongoing survey, “Monitoring Sentiment for Intra-European Travel – Wave 19.”

Travel spending increased by 25% in Greece and Spain, by 20% in Italy and by 16% in France. Meanwhile, all Mediterranean destinations are top of the list for European travelers, as holidaymakers opt for sun-soaked beach trips. The survey reveals a marked increase in travel interest among Europeans for the June-November 2024 period. The rise is attributed mainly to the strong desire to travel among Spanish, Italian and British travelers. In all three of these countries, eight out of 10 respondents indicated an intention to travel during this period. The study also reveals that 36% of Europeans plan to take at least one trip in the coming months, an increase of 6% compared to the previous year. Another 33% plan to make a second trip, while only 24% plan to make three or more trips.

With summer well under way, demand for Mediterranean destinations is peaking, with most European travelers (45%) choosing warmer locations for their next holiday. Interest in Southern Europe is stable compared to 2023, but has decreased by 10% from 2022 – though not for Greece. Meanwhile, western (18%) and northern destinations (13%) continue to be in strong demand. Spain and Italy are the top choices, each preferred by 8% of respondents, followed by France at 7% and Greece at 6%. This is partly thanks to travelers’ consistent preference for sun and sea trips, with 19% choosing this type of holiday over the next six months. Other travelers chose culture and heritage holidays (17%), nature and outdoor excursions (14%) and city breaks (13%).

The perception of a destination’s safety (16%) is the most important factor for travelers in the process of choosing where to vacation, followed by pleasant weather (13%), opportunities (11%), friendly locals and stable temperatures (both 8%).

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