‘Positive’ assessment by Brussels on loan demand

‘Positive’ assessment by Brussels on loan demand

Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanasis described as “positive” the preliminary assessment by the European Commission regarding Greece’s fourth application for a disbursement, this time of 2.3 billion euros from the loan segment, from the Recovery Fund.

“The new positive preliminary assessment by the European Commission for the fourth request for an additional €2.3 billion disbursement from the loan segment of the Recovery Fund, following similar decisions due to the successful implementation of Greece’s National Plan ‘Greece 2.0,’ constitutes yet another reward for the country’s consistency in meeting the milestones required by the Recovery Fund.

With planning, reliability and determination, we continue our reform policy by implementing everything we committed to, aiming for sustainable development while respecting fiscal rules, regional and social cohesion, addressing the investment gap and enhancing competitiveness and entrepreneurship,” said Papathanasis.


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