Shipowners protest over ‘unfair’ criticism

Shipowners protest over ‘unfair’ criticism

Melina Travlos, the president of the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS), launched a sharp attack last week against those who involve Greek-owned oceangoing shipping in international political or even military disputes, speaking of hypocrisy and injustice.

At the same time, she repeated the criticism of the problematic results produced by unilateral regional restrictions, such as the sanctions against Russia’s oil exports, as opposed to globally applicable rules.

Speaking from the podium of the union’s press conference at the Posidonia shipping fair, Travlos underlined the importance of attracting more Greeks to the maritime professions and therefore the upgrading of maritime education, while praising the “quiet” social contribution of Greek shipowners to the country, which is implemented both on a collective level through the UGS itself, and privately.

“Shipping by its very nature is neutral and global and brings the world together. Even in warlike situations, shipping is there to help,” she said, addressing negative reports in the last few years regarding the implementation of sanctions against Russia by the European Union, as well as the targeting of ships due to geopolitical developments, such as the attacks by Houthi rebels of Yemen on vessels sailing through the Red Sea.

“It is unacceptable that shipping, which is a global activity, should be the target of any geopolitical crisis or political criticism. And in fact shipping is usually unable to defend itself,” she added, referring to the missile attacks by the Houthi rebels, and to reports that implicate Greek-owned shipping in an alleged violation of sanctions against Russia. 

She pointed out that “there is a very large dose of hypocrisy and injustice,” and emphasized that “when unilateral regional measures are taken, they always unfortunately also unilaterally affect the involved sectors and these regions. This has also happened with European shipping in the case of sanctions against Russia.”

The vice president of UGS, Michael Chandris, also spoke on the issue, noting that Greek-owned shipping always respects the regulations and strictly observes the sanctions when and where they are imposed.

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