Big debtors’ list out next month

Big debtors’ list out next month

The tax administration and the Social Security Debt Collection Center will be sending notices to those owing over 150,000 euros in the next few days, calling on the debtors to the state and insurance funds to settle their dues.

The e-mail will ask the debtors to join the standard arrangement of the Ministry of Finance (24 or 48 installments) or face having their name or business name included on the public list of large state debtors.

The list of big debtors will be posted online on July 31, instead of June 30 as provided by law, as the Independent Authority for Public Revenue does not have time, due to the many changes made to tax returns this year.

It is noted that last year the list included 27,000 individuals and businesses. The last list that was made public contained the details of companies that have been closed for decades. However, according to information, immediately after the European elections and the completion of projects included in the Recovery Fund, the ministry will examine the debts, writing off those that cannot be collected.

Government sources say the institutional framework must change to clear out the list of debtors, whose dues currently exceed €155 billion, and to persist with those that can be collected.

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