Biggest ever Posidonia starts

Biggest ever Posidonia starts

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis launched Posidonia 2024 at the Athens Metropolitan Expo on Monday, signaling the start of the weeklong shipping fair that promises to be the biggest ever event for global shipping, with over 2,000 exhibitors and almost 70 conferences and seminars.

Mitsotakis promised Greek shipowners that “I will be by your side in every battle that Greek shipping will fight, from the green transition to safe ports and shipyards.”

The prime minister emphasized that Greek shipping is a source of pride for the country and stated that the pioneering spirit, flexibility and adaptability of Greek shipowners contributed to Greek shipping increasing the capacity of the Greek fleet by 50% despite the crisis and geopolitical challenges.


Maritime Affairs Minister Christos Stylianides referred to the challenge the adjustment of the new environmental requirements poses for shipping: “We must work for a sustainable shipping, a green shipping, as our duty to future generations dictates to us. But at the same time, we must bring our young people closer to shipping. We need to upgrade their skills, offer them incentives to acquire new capabilities and be able to serve the shipping of the future. Above all, we can and must take advantage of new technologies to gain more efficiency and safety.”

The business part of the shipping fair begins on Tuesday morning and lasts until Friday afternoon, from 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. (until 5 p.m. on Friday), with free entrance to the exhibition and to most of the conference and seminars scheduled at the venue next to Athens Airport.

Headlining Tuesday’s schedule is the landmark TradeWinds Shipowners Forum, held at the Posidonia Conference Hall from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

There are also conferences and seminars organized by UES Marine, the Embassy of Poland, SGS Greece, the Greek Seamen’s Pension Fund, S&P Global Commodity Insights, Viva Energy Australia, Schneider Electric & Msystems, MAN Energy Solutions Hellas, Japan Ship Exporters’ Association, Vessel Performance Solutions, Wartsila, the Macquarie Group, Maritime London and the British Embassy, the Hellenic Ports Association, Norsepower Oy, the Kyvernitis Travel Group and

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