Mytilineos: Now is the time for reforms

Mytilineos: Now is the time for reforms

Mytilineos chairman and managing director Evangelos Mytilineos expressed his optimism regarding Greece’s course in the coming years, speaking at a conference organized by think tank Kyklos Ideon on Tuesday: “We have a unique political opportunity, for as long as I can remember. We have unique political stability, a prime minister who absolutely controls the state, the government and the party and has the ability to assume any political cost in order to proceed with the reforms. I don’t know when this opportunity will come again. Now is the time. Serious and painful reforms must be done in 12 to 18 months. Because in the second two years, things will be more difficult, polls play a more important role than policies,” Mytilineos said.

Answering a question on the possibility of the company leaving the country, Mytilineos said, “Nobody is leaving Greece, nor are we going to load 10 factories on our backs and leave.”

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