Part-time labor appears to be receding

Part-time labor appears to be receding

The number of part-time workers in Greece is decreasing, albeit slowly, which is a determining factor for the incomes of Greek households.

The figures for 2022 show that, after the pandemic, there has been an increase in workers who are paid more than 500 euros, an amount that remains low of course, but exceeds the poverty threshold. The two hikes in the minimum wage, after all, resulted in the increase of employees who are paid close to the limit of €713 and of those above it.

Of course, part-time employees remain exposed to the risk of poverty, since, as the data of the Hellenic Statistical Authority showed, part-time employees with an income of up to €408 per month are the ones who have crossed the threshold. According to the Labor Ministry’s Ergani database, this is approximately 18% of all employees, which is a headache for experts.

Part-time employment is not an option for the vast majority of employees, while one should not overlook the fact that, as the data of the Labor Inspectorate also show, there is a large amount of underreported or partially uninsured employment.

As labor expert Yiannis Karouzos explains, for 2022 (income of 2021) the so-called “poverty threshold” for a one-person household was set by ELSTAT at €5,712 compared to €5,251 in 2021. For an employee who receives 14 salaries, this annual income translates into a salary of €408/month, an amount that directly points to part-time work, for example four hours for five days, since in 2021 the basic salary was still at €650.

The same goes for families. For example, the poverty threshold for households with two adults and two dependent children under the age of 14 was set by ELSTAT at €11,995 for last year (from €11,028 for 2021). If both parents work, then they should both work part-time, as it would mean a family income of €856/month, i.e. close to €420 per worker. Alternatively, one parent can be a full-time employee and the second unemployed or underemployed with completely casual employment and an income of up to €200/month.

In any case, Karouzos notes, it is evident from ELSTAT’s data that poverty affects not only the households of the unemployed but also the households of part-time workers.

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