Extra month for digital work card
The full implementation of the digital work card by banks and supermarkets employing more than 250 workers has been postponed to October 1.
During the first phase of implementation of this flagship reform the results are already considered absolutely encouraging: Over nine out of 10 workers in the two sectors used the digital work card in July and August (92.5% rate). This percentage is higher in supermarkets, where the digital measurement of working time was applied to 94.4% of all employees (that is, to 83,280 people out of a total of 88,966 working at supermarkets). In banks, the percentage amounts to 86.7%, which corresponds to 25,717 employees out of a total of 32,163 employed in all the financial institutions operating.
The one-month grace period was permitted by the Labor Ministry so that, alongside the universal application of the digital labor card, companies can also complete the census process. In this way, from October 1 all banks and large supermarkets will have to possess and operate a real electronic system for measuring the working time of their employees, directly connected and interoperable, in real time, with the Ergani system.