2101, Sciences et Fiction | Athens | January 24
Celebrating the wonder of science and human curiosity, the French Institute is screening a film by Patrick Chiuzzi titled “2101, Sciences et Fiction,” in which the filmmaker combines science fiction with interviews of respected scientists Isabelle Vauglin, Francois Sibille, Pierre Thomas, Cedric Chauviere, Andre Montaud, Rodolphe Gelin, Alain Gallusser, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Mathieu Cunche, Wendy Mackay, Pierre Monsan, Thierry Joli and Roland Lehoucq. The film is in French and will be screened with Greek subtitles, starting at 6.30 p.m. Admission is free of charge.
French Institute, 31 Sina, Kolonaki,
tel 210.339.8600