Domna Samiou steals the show at Arion Music Awards

Don’t expect an ordinary report on what happened over more than three hours Wednesday evening in the half-empty (or half-full, depending on which record label one supports) Alexandra Triandi Hall at the Athens Concert Hall and the even emptier gallery. But there were plenty of lights and a futuristic set and acrobatic dancers at the Arion Music Awards. The cast of the hit television series «Last Minute» did their own dance, with Elissavet Constantinidou as Ginger Rogers stealing the show. Dandies with umbrellas surrounded the lovely singer Foteini Darra in Dimitris Papadimitriou’s theme song from the serial ‘Witches of Smyrna.’ A parade of singers past and present appeared on stage, to announce prizewinners in a variety of categories of song. The winners either didn’t appear themselves or sent a representative. Fortunately, Sakis Rouvas was there to receive his two or three prizes and sing his new recording, as well as last year’s Eurovision winner Helena Paparizou, who also sang a ballad. Nana Mouskouri, generous as ever, managed to be there, as was Haris Alexiou. The Special Prize rightfully went to Domna Samiou for her 50 years of contribution to folk music. Thanks to her, thousands of folk songs that would have been lost have been recorded for posterity. The biggest surprise of the evening was the appearance alongside Samiou of the Hellenic Lyceum Club dancers dressed in national costumes from all over the country. Alkistis Protopsalti was there to receive Dimitra Galani’s prize. Let’s hope next year’s show sees a bigger turnout.

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