‘Six women in Greek Tragedy’ this summer beneath the heights of the Acropolis.

‘Six women in Greek Tragedy’ this summer beneath the heights of the Acropolis.

The premiere of “Six Women in Greek Tragedy,” an arrangement of plays written by Greece’s major tragedians, Euripides, Sophocles and Aeschylus, is set for June 22, 2024.

This open-air Ancient Greek theatre performance, directed by Panos Angelopoulos, will be hosted at the Athens University History Museum, in the hub of Plaka, beneath the heights of the Acropolis.

The theatrical approach aims to highlight the greatness of the ancient tragedy and determine the

position of women in the works of the tragic poets. The ancient protagonists Medea, Electra, Antigone, Hecube, Iphigenia and Alcestis are female archetypes that stand as bright beacons in the imaginary course of humanity for self-knowledge, freedom and independence.

The theatrical performance will be split into three parts, including a chorus playing musical instruments throughout the show.

As part of the presentation of the theatrical performance, an interactive exhibition, with a guided tour, by the artist Yiannis Zimianitis entitled “Ancient Greek masks in comedy and tragedy” will also be hosted.

The artist Yiannis Zimianitis, who has created ancient masks for 30 years, will give a tour of his interactive exhibition “Ancient Greek Mask in Comedy and Tragedy.” They expressed character emotions, such as joy or sadness, and were also used to indicate the character because initially all roles were played by men.

The performance will be hosted from June through August with guided tour and action in English.




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