‘Unique’ archaeological find made during airport construction work in Crete

‘Unique’ archaeological find made during airport construction work in Crete

Earth-removal work on the installations for a new airport on the southern Aegean island of Crete has led to an archaeological discovery that Greece’s Culture Ministry says is unique for its period and needs to be examined much more thoroughly to reveal its exact significance.

The discovery concerns a large circular monument that is thought to date to the Bronze Age Minoan Civilization. It was uncovered on the summit of Papoura Hill northwest of the town of Kastelli, where work is under way on a new international airport to serve the region of Hania.

The monument, with a diameter of about 48 meters and covering a surface area of about 1,800 square meters, is located at the hill’s summit, at 494 meters, where the new airport’s radar system was to be installed.

The government called a meeting after the find was confirmed to plan how construction on the airport may continue unimpeded without compromising the site and preventing archaeologists from studying it further.

“This is a unique find of great interest. There are solutions, so that the archaeological excavation can be completed and the monument protected,” Culture Ministry Lina Mendoni said on Tuesday, commenting on the meeting.

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