Helmos Mountain Festival embraces nature at UNESCO geopark

Helmos Mountain Festival embraces nature at UNESCO geopark

Nature buffs have the chance to spend four days enjoying a UNESCO-listed global geopark next month, at the Helmos Mountain Festival. In its second installment, running from June 21 to 24, the event at the Kalavrita Ski Center offers ample opportunity to connect with nature. 

Organizers have pledged to enhance the experience of festivalgoers this year with a richer roster of events, including truffle hunting, tasting locally sourced food and sampling locally produced wine. For sports enthusiasts, there’s on-site trail running, mountain biking archery, and canoeing, among other pursuits. In addition to the expected live music events, a number of food, coffee and cocktail stalls will also be available during this year’s festivities.  

The preservation of nature and the protection of the UNESCO site is, however, the key objective of this event. To enjoy the entertainment, participants must be mindful of their environmental footprint and pollution. To this end, the Helmos Mountain Festival has established rules and procedures for the four-day function. Festivalgoers are only permitted to reside within the designated campsites and are encouraged to recycle and participate in trash collection initiatives. Communal transport is also highly recommended to reduce both car-related congestion and collective carbon emissions. 

For more information and tickets, click here

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