Home is where the waves are

‘Blue Out,’ by writers’ collective Miranda Storm, presents an ominously plausible dystopian world

Home is where the waves are

In “Blue Out,” Miranda Storm presents an immersive and exciting journey into a dystopian future. The world-building is vivid and thorough, plunging the reader into an unsettling, yet eerily possible reality. The dystopian landscape is drawn with such precision and attention to detail that it becomes a character in itself – a silent, omnipresent protagonist contributing to the narrative in ways that can be both beautiful and terrifying.

The maritime elements in the story, inspired by the Greek authors’ connection with the sea, further add to its unique flavor

The protagonist’s portrayal is compelling, with their unique abilities and the challenges they face making them relatable and empathetic. You root for them through their struggles, feel their desperation in times of crisis, and cheer for their victories. This emotional connection lends the narrative a strong emotional undertow that pulls you in deeper with each chapter.

The story is as much an action-adventure as it is a thriller, with a balance struck between the two genres that ensures neither overpowers the other. Each action sequence is well-crafted, with the tension and excitement escalating to keep the reader on the edge of their seat. Conversely, the thriller aspect is woven through the narrative with subtlety and finesse. The suspense is palpable, and the unpredictable twists and turns enhance the overall reading experience.

The maritime elements in the story, inspired by the Greek authors’ connection with the sea, further add to its unique flavor. The vivid descriptions of the sea and maritime life serve as a perfect backdrop for the characters’ thrilling adventures. Storm’s nuanced writing makes the ocean and its moods come alive on the pages, creating an atmospheric setting that deeply enriches the narrative.

“Blue Out” also explores various complex dilemmas, giving the plot depth and complexity. These dilemmas challenge the characters’ beliefs and actions, bringing up thought-provoking questions about morality, survival, and the lengths one would go to protect those they care about.

home-is-where-the-waves-are0Greek-German sisters and co-authors Kai Knight and Skyrah Archer divide their time between Athens and Hydra. They share a passion for martial arts, culture, art, action and adventure. Skyrah, an actor and military stories enthusiast, has a talent for crafting compelling characters and their backstories. Kai, a kung fu black belt, enjoys scuba diving, rock climbing, and writing – she especially delights in creating plot twists and action scenes. Their dystopian world of Ararat, with its brooding maritime backdrop, is inspired by their travels to and from Hydra throughout the year’s different seasons.

Their fellow co-authors are Ira Kiourti and Evan Francis. Ira, an Athens native, is a logician, and a student of philosophy and astrology. She loves the sea and is on a quest for consistency and meaning. Evan hails from the UK and excels at infusing dialogue and action with comedic elements. He is captivated by the ability of books to bring imaginary worlds to life.

Overall, “Blue Out” is a gripping dystopian action-adventure thriller that masterfully combines suspense, action, and thought-provoking themes. It provides an engaging read from the first page to the last, and leaves you eager to delve deeper into Storm’s ominously plausible dystopian world.

Commander Demetries Grimes is a combat decorated former US naval aviator, diplomat, and fan of action and adventure.

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